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*リスク移転で移転できないシステミック・リスク [#y51332d5]

**著者 [#t4de5104]

**概要 [#yed38046]
It had been believed that the risk of a bank going bankrupt is lessened in a straightfor-
ward manner by transferring the risk of loan defaults. But the failure of American International
Group in 2008 posed a more complex aspect of nancial contagion. This study presents an ex-
tension of the asset network systemic risk model (ANWSER) to investigate whether credit default
swaps mitigate or intensify the severity of nancial contagion. The empirical distribution of the
number of bank bankruptcies is obtained with the extended model. Systemic capital buer ratio
is calculated from the distribution. The ratio quanties the eective loss absorbency capability of
the entire nancial system to force back nancial contagion. The key nding is that the the risk
transfer in an interbank network does not mitigate the severity of nancial contagion.

**論文 [#fcfcf9e6]
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